a The Extreme Importance of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

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The Extreme Importance of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

10/12/2019 | Written by in Water Safety
The Extreme Importance of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

There are times in life, when there are, literally, matters of life and death. Occasions, when the life of a person depends on knowledge and calm thinking. Such a case is when a human has lost his senses and needs Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) to spring back to life.

One of the most usual occasions, when resuscitation is urgently needed, is in incidents related to swimming, either in the sea or in swimming pool environments. It is assumed that all the useful knowledge a person has, could be vital in just only case throughout his or her whole life. But, if this knowledge proves to be lifesaving, then shall be considered the most useful, the most humanitarian of all the knowledge in the world.

Therefore, knowing how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation is essential for all people who are involved with activities related to swimming.

The Essentials on Performing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

Resuscitation is widely known with the initial’s CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation), as it involves the stimulation of the heart through breathing air into the lungs, to restore or preserve the vital function of the brain. It is a combination of chest compressions with artificial ventilation, so that breathing, and circulation would be maintained.

There is not much chance that CPR will restore the heart, but it aims in restoring the flow of oxygenated blood to the heart and the brain. In cases of emergency, it is vital to achieving the above, so that there is no permanent brain damage or, worse, death, before the arrival of an ambulance. It is, therefore, not only highly beneficial but also vital to know how to perform CPR.

Especially for parents, it could be the difference between life and death. There are many cases of children who live today because their parents had this valuable skill and were able to perform it when needed. Such a case is described by the Royal Life Saving Society: In 2008, CPR knowledge helped a husband and his wife to save their two sons from drowning. It all happened very quickly, as usual in such cases.

One momentary lapse of distraction, while they were visiting relatives, was enough for the children to go to the backyard swimming pool. After a while, they were both found unconscious. It was during those crucial minutes when CPR proved to be a lifesaving skill. Both parents started performing CPR on both their kids until the kids finally vomited up water. Upon the arrival of the ambulances, the two boys had already started to breathe normally, and everything went well.

Are There Any Legal Implications While Performing CPR?

A logical question that comes to mind when talking about the performance of CPR is the one concerning any possible legal implications. What would happen if the outcome of CPR is not fortunate? Furthermore, what shall a person do, if being present in a critical situation but does not know how to perform CPR? Well, the answer to the above questions, for people living in Australia, is positive for all: There are no legal implications for people who are involved in emergencies and come to the aid of a person needing CPR.

The Australian Resuscitation Council and Royal Life Saving encourage people to offer assistance when needed. The prerequisite of good faith is taken under consideration and, although there are legislation variations between the States and Territories, people involved in such emergency incidents are expected to act in good faith and not recklessly.

When a person is not breathing and unconscious, the element of time is of extreme importance. If four minutes pass, without the brain being oxygenated, it can result in permanent brain damage. As long as six minutes have passed, there could be a fatal incident. Therefore, it is much preferable to take action, than to do nothing at all.

How to Learn to Perform CPR

The best way for learning how to perform CPR is by attending a class presented by an accredited provider. Royal Life Saving offers related resources as well as courses that are taught in various locations of Australia.

The resources of Royal Life Saving include a CPR chart, which should be used near the home swimming pools such as backyard and apartment complex pools. Alternatively, Royal Life offers a mini CPR chart, containing a magnet. This can be stuck on the fridges of all Australian households and function as a constant tool of knowledge.

In all cases, the message should be absolutely clear: Learn and react. It is highly recommended all people living in Australia have, at least, a basic knowledge of CPR. Lives have been saved and could be saved again in the future. Ignorance is not an option.

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Sami Samour

Two years I have tried to teach my kids to swim from one school to another. I regret the money I have wasted . It took three lessons 90 minutes each for my kids to swim independently . Thank you for the team of Nereids.


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