The best water sports you can enjoy
11/29/2022 | Written by Nikos Kaskaras in Fun & Games
We all know what the main event of this month is: The most controversial World Cup of all time takes place in Qatar attracting the interest of the vast majority of the global population. Surely enough though, water offers attractive options for sports activities that may not be so popular but they are undoubtedly extremely entertaining and challenging. Let’s take a look at them.
The most popular water sports
Keeping in mind that water covers more than 70 % of the planet it is no surprise that people have used their imagination and inventiveness to develop athletic activities within aquatic environments. Although the sea is the most suitable place for such activities, due to its vast size, it is also possible to perform them in swimming pools. So which are the most popular water sports?
- Water polo
- Snorkelling
- Diving
- Water volleyball
- Water jogging
- Water football
- Scuba diving
- Aquatic aerobics
- Synchronised swimming
As you can see there’s a great variety of water sports you can choose from. Not all water sports require the same level of swimming competency. Water polo and synchronised swimming, for instance, are very demanding while water jogging and water aerobics are much more comfortable for all levels. It is not coincidental that several of them are included in the Olympic Games schedule enjoying a great fan base worldwide.
The benefits of water sports
Why are water sports so popular? Well, there are several reasons. Firstly, all countries that are surrounded by sea tend to develop a strong culture of water sports. It is natural and understandable though this doesn't mean that such countries are the norm. In Croatia for example, water polo is extremely popular while the country is continental. In all cases, it is unquestionable that water sports improve physical fitness. Taking part in water sports will enhance stamina, flexibility and bone density. Similarly, the mental benefits of water sports are very strong. Participating in a team strengthens social skills and reinforces self-esteem. Man is a social animal and psychological prosperity comes only through the fulfilment of their social nature. Additionally, water sports improve both cognitive and non-cognitive skills such as motivation, goal orientation and effective interaction with others.
What’s best is that, unlike most other sports, water sports are for all ages. Because of the soft nature of water, even seniors can enjoy aquatic sports regardless of age.
The joy of extreme water sports
For the most adventurous people, there’s an alternative option: Extreme water sports. The most popular extreme sports are:
- Surfing
- Cavern diving
- White water rafting
- Wakeboarding
- Shark diving
Of course, there’s a different level of difficulty for all extreme water sports. It’s not the same surfing on the waves and moving underwater next to sharks. The final choice is rather a matter of personal motivation. In other words, it’s about having the guts to meet new challenges. What is interesting is that there’s much popularity of extreme water sports in Australia. There’s a great number of surfers and wakeboarders around the country while white water rafting has also many followers. Cavern diving and shark diving are less popular but there’s no doubt that there is no match for the rush of adrenaline they cause. It’s not surprising that most lovers of extreme water sports feel the urge to perform them regularly. There’s an addictive element to strong experiences and extreme water sports can offer plenty of them. Do you dare?