The tradition of Christmas swimming in Australia
12/24/2022 | Written by Nikos Kaskaras in Travel
Christmas time is very close and it’s this period we have all been waiting for. Time to relax, to meet with your relatives and close friends, have great fun and…swim. Because the tradition of swimming at Christmas time is alive and kicking!
The privilege of sunny weather in Australia
When talking about Christmas, certain images fill the collective unconscious: Kids singing the carols, Christmas trees decorating all the houses, lights and ornaments all over the cities. Yet, no image is more trademarked than the one showing Santa Claus, riding the sleigh that is dragged by the deers which are usually guided by a dog and then coming down the chimneys of the homes for delivering the presents to the children. Such a beautiful story, isn’t it? The standard background for this wonderful fairytale is the snow. Lots of snow everywhere. Well, dear Santa Claus, we have a message for you: Not in our place bro!
Australia has the privilege of sunny weather during Christmas time, like the rest of the southern hemisphere. Therefore, maybe it could be a good idea to launch Santa Claus wearing a t-shirt and sunglasses to offer him some variety. And what would be the best image of all? Santa Claus coming to the beach and enjoying a great swimming time. Just like so many Australians do on Christmas day.
Christmas swimming in Australia
Apologies to all Hollywood producers for ruining the stereotyped image of Christmas, but this is our land and we do things differently here. There’s no problem at all with getting on the beach, laying there all day long and enjoying diving in the water when the heat is up. It’s such a beautiful story, that it’s no surprise that all tourists visiting the country, enjoy it so much. Of course, there are nice traditions to follow here as well:
- Enjoying the Christmas dinner and the delicious turkey, pork and ham.
- Celebrating this special day by organising a picnic in a park.
- Going camping.
- Going on short trips to nature.
Nevertheless, swimming in Australia during Christmas time is an activity that can be combined with all the others. After all, swimming increases appetite, so it could be the ideal activity before enjoying all the tasty repasts!
Why tourists love Christmas in Australia
There’s a universal law that applies to all people: They tend to desire most what is rare to them. This is why, for example, there is a tendency for citizens of a country that is not surrounded by sea, to visit sea countries. This is why people from countries with cold weather like to visit sunny countries and so on. It’s no surprise then, why so many people around the world love to visit Australia during Christmas time. According to the Australian Burey of Statistics, there were more than 195.000 arrivals in Australia during the December of 2021, marking a monthly increase of more than 123.000 trips.
For the wealthy tourists coming from the Northern Hemisphere, the prospect of visiting a beautiful country where they could also swim on the beach if they wish is seductive. Christmas day is a bank holiday and there can be a great mixture of locals and tourists celebrating all together, in the streets as well as at the beaches!
Why is it so nice to celebrate Christmas on the beach?
Do you still wonder why it is so unique to spend Christmas day on the beach? Let us give you a guide to the best Christmas holiday of your lives:
- There’s no better relaxation than laying on the beach all day long
- The sun is still up in the evening
- The social atmosphere is fantastic
- Cold beers fit perfectly to the weather
- Sunny weather lifts the mood
I guess that after all, lack of snow is not a problem at all. On the contrary, it allows all travellers to take fewer clothes with them and save all ladies from the pressure of carrying many pieces of luggage. Moreover, such an experience creates lifetime memories. Breaking the norms and stereotypes that surround the Christmas fairytale is a rare incident for the habitants of the Northern hemisphere.
Variety is the spice of life. It’s certain that once you spend your first Christmas on a beach, you will remember this Christmas time for the rest of your life. And if you feel like purifying yourselves from the sins of last year (sic) you have the best option: Dive into the sea without fearing that you freeze and may the holy spirits be with you. Merry Christmas!